Be Exactly Who God Created You to Be - episode 123
I am drawn to people that choose to be authentic regardless of what the rest of us may think. Such is the case with Crystal Guenter our Insta Summer 2 guest today. She has learned through trial and error that the way to be is the way she already is. No people-pleasing or trying to be all things to all people. It doesn’t work and will leave you feeling miserable. Better to be fully who God created you to be.
Crystal feels at home in the Mennonite way of life. It’s a way to ‘act out’ her faith. I love that she’s made a choice that’s good for her. Through being modest and conservative Crystal honors her beliefs. And she’s learned a lot about filling the voids left by people who did the very best they could but left us lacking. It’s not our fault but it is now our responsibility to find a way to fill them with healthy things. It is freeing to get to that place. Just ask Crystal. She knows.
Christ-follower. Wife-friend. People-lover.
— Crystal Guenter
My Friend, Enitan Balogun
Thoughts on Be Exactly Who God Created You to Be
Crystal talked a lot about being in the fullness of who she already is. I like that. It is what the UY show is all about, encouraging you to be exactly that in all its expanse. But what if it’s challenging to get there because of your circumstances? I couldn’t help but think of Enitan Balogun. We became friends through Instagram, and when I say friend, I really mean it. Let’s start at the beginning.
Starting out on Instagram, I soon realized hashtags were a thing and so promptly created one #unabashedyou. Makes sense right? Well fast forward some months later and Instagram informs me someone has used the hashtag ‘unabashedyou’ and I am thrilled. I didn’t really even know how hashtags worked! (Still don’t totally get it.) So I go to the post and it’s a picture of a man playing a sax. I scroll to see the account was created by someone who is a photographer. I assume he is the one in the picture posted but as it turns out, no. Since he takes pictures they are generally of other people, hence the sax-playing gentleman.
His name is Enitan Balogun. (It took me some practice to get the pronunciation right.) We traded light messages back and forth. I eventually asked him to come on the show last summer for the original Insta Summer. He did in Capturing Life through a Lens episode 76 and again for Consistency and Prayer episode 102. What I’ve learned in getting to know him he is talented and driven. Enitan has big dreams to become a photographer. After finishing his biology degree at local university, he is serving out his required year for the Nation Youth Service Corp where he taught beginning biology in a rural village. Then the sky’s the limit or is it?
Living in Nigeria, he may not have the opportunities some of us have automatically. Sometimes we don’t know what to be really thankful for in the US or in other developed countries. A quick search reveals this about Nigeria:
Located in West Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea
Executive power exercised by the president; a federal republic
36 states, capital Abuja, largest city Lagos
Language: English (this one surprised me)
Crime is high: armed robbery, kidnapping for ransom, home invasions, carjacking and violent assault
Considered the richest country in Africa yet its economic potential is damaged
It’s difficult to get a job, and if you do you earn minimal wages; the average annual salary is 13,634.43 USD (emphasis: yearly)
One in four citizens will not get into university
Health indicators are some of the worst in Africa with one of the fastest growing populations globally
In the bottom half of countries in terms of happiness
Ok, so after skimming those stats I think you can see why Enitan does not have built-in opportunities. He will have to hustle and make things happen. His dream is to own a photography studio, and to be a photojournalist running off to breaking stories at a moment’s notice. (Clearly Enitan will need to have a manager for the studio.)
Through these months of getting to know Enitan we have texted and done video on What’sApp. I’ve met his mom, sister and he’s met Ron. I think one of the sweetest things happened this past year in March. He mentioned his birthday was coming up and I mentioned our anniversary was coming up. I guessed his age and then asked when he was born. It turns out it was on the very day Ron and I got married. That morning I created a story on Instagram wishing him a happy birthday and he created a story for me and Ron wishing us a happy anniversary.
I cannot explain to you how a 60-something woman in Southern California became friends with a young man (he could be my son!) in Nigeria. Yet somehow it works. I encourage him and he encourages me. Personally I credit God with arranging this divine appointment. I’m so glad he connected Enitan and me. Who knows what blessings are out there for you and someone else if you follow the nudge. Please do.
There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends.
— Jane Austen
These are some of my favorite images that Enitan has taken. I imagine you will agree he has a great eye and is a natural talent. I will be on the sidelines encouraging him forward into his passion. That’s what friends do.