Never Let a Swell Go By - episode 137

Many people like to surf, ski, swim, dive, along with other past-times that are done in water.  Spending time there is not without its risks.  There have been many rescues done and many have lived to tell the harrowing tale.  Of course that is not always the case.  What about their loved ones, the ones left behind?  Fallen Waterman’s Foundation was created to support the families of watermen, and women, with counseling and scholarships.  It was founded by Mark Hanley and he is today’s Thankful and Giving Back guest.

“Never let a swell go by” is more than a literal surfing philosophy.  As Mark shared it is a figurative expression too.  Don’t get so bogged down in the details of your day-to-day that you miss the things that are coming your way.  They are there for you to seize, to enjoy, and to help others with.  I am grateful Mark took advantage of the swell that came his way and is now serving the fallen watermen and women.  It’s his passion, a way to give back.   

Fallen Waterman's Foundation.  Counseling and scholarships for those in need.

Overly-competitive. Driven. Passionate.

—Mark Hanley

The People You Choose

Thoughts from Never Let a Swell Go By

I did not know Mark had started a foundation for fallen watermen and women. It just happened to come up in a conversation during a dinner held for his birthday. I was instantly fascinated and wanted to know more. I take pleasure in getting to know the deeper parts of someone’s story. Hearing more led me to ask Mark to be part of the Thankful and Giving Back series.

It’s been a long-held belief of mine that much of the good that is done can be traced back to a painful event in someone’s life. If you hear the origin story you will likely find that to be the case. I think it is one of the best ways to deal with the hardships in life. That was the case with Mark as he shared with us two different stories about fallen watermen he knew who needed the extra support, and it wasn’t there for them. He felt helpless and knew action was required. Mark made it happen because he cared. An admirable quality for sure.

It’s funny how you can know somebody for a long time and not know more of the layers that make them who they are. Such is the case with Mark. Actually I met Mark’s wife, Kelly first before they even knew each other. Kelly is Shaun’s aunt so Mark is Shaun’s uncle through marriage. Mark married into a loving, close-knit family. They are some of the best people I know. They are among the people I choose.

I choose them because they are loving, warm and gracious. We have built history together over the years. They are good storytellers, know how to have fun, and I matter to them. You see I am not officially related, and yet I consider them extended family. Shaun is related. The two of us make a point to travel to Northern California to visit a couple of times a year, connect, and catch up. It feels like no time has gone by since the last visit as we pick up right where we left off. It’s one of the joys of my life, these people, plus I get to have this tradition with Shaun, where we are together savoring being with them.

I hope you have people you feel this way about. That they feel this way about you. And if for some reason you don’t, guess what? You can create your own connections of people you choose. Start. Make it happen, for you and for them. You’ll all be richer for it.

Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in life who want you in theirs.

— Maya Angelou


Compassion Starts with Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes - episode 138


Trivia and Gratitude - episode 136