Positive on Purpose - episode 70
You need to see this smile. Jamie’s. It was the first thing I noticed when I saw her posts on Instagram. It’s inviting and exudes the positivity she espouses. She is this week’s Insta-Summer guest. Our conversation took us from her love of physical activity and the importance of overall wellbeing to gratitude as a way of life.
As Jamie said, looking for something good in each day is something we can do. Training our brains to go from the natural negative thoughts to a new habit of being thankful, and remembering the positive things that happened, will take us far. Just ask Jamie. She’ll tell you. Her podcast with sister Jules is Positive on Purpose. (Where do you think I got the name of this episode?!) Check it out for more inspiration. (Contact links in show notes.)
Positive. Ambitious. Recovering perfectionist.
— Jamie
Mr. Blurg on Audible
Thoughts from Positive on Purpose
If you listened to the episode, and of course I hope you did, you noticed I read a review by a Mr. Blurg that is currently the only one for Unabashed You on Audible. Two things struck me right away. First Mr. Blurg is clearly male. While UY is targeted to women there is very little that doesn’t also apply to males. I am grateful for the men choosing to listen. The feedback I’ve gotten from them has been very positive, telling me the show is not just for women. I like that. It makes me happy the guests have value to add to anybody, and everybody’s life.
Second I don’t know Mr. Blurg. When UY first started many friends and family members reviewed the show (primarily on Apple) because that is what loved ones do - they support you, encourage you and cheer you on. Looking at Audible and seeing that there was a review I wasn’t aware of, surprised me and then filled me with a deep sense of joy. This thing I feel so passionate about: sharing the stories of non-famous women who have an abundance of wisdom, a wealth of experiences, and the revelry they have in this life, is going out there where it needs to go, and landing on the people who need it or want it. Yay!
Can’t we all use some more goodness? Don’t we need some more positivity? To hear from others who might be like us in one way or another is a gift. And it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Let me assure you I am getting as much from this as you are. I can’t believe I get to do this. Now I’m dreaming of next steps to continue this journey in new ways. Not sure where that will take us but am excited to find out.
So, thank you Mr. Blurg and everybody else who has taken the time to listen, read, and be inspired. This continues to be for you.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. — Winnie the Pooh