Share Food with the People You Love - Episode 97
We’ve got a treat for you today. The word “treat” conjures up a sweet little something after a good meal. That’s what today’s By Request guest is all about: a good meal of plant-based, healthy, delicious food. Let’s start with the undeniable passion Naeemah has for creating and preparing. Then add the experience of being in the kitchen with family members, fold in a generous portion of curiosity and you have Nourish with Naeemah.
What I appreciate about her is she encourages and educates without trying to convert. I had questions that came up for me in my own eating. Naeemah was accepting and informative never pushy or judgmental. She understands the desire to enjoy our food and has the knowledge base to make that happen in a way that supports optimal health. Clearly she loves what she does and it shows. The proof is in the pudding.
Kind. Creative. Friendly.
— Naeemah Fletcher
Stuff Memories are Made Of
Thoughts from Share Food with the People You Love
When I think of the passion Naeemah has, I can’t help but think of how many of our memories are centered around food. If it isn’t entirely the food itself, although that plays a part, it is the gathering that takes place around it. Of course there are the classic food traditions of Thanksgiving with turkey and lots of sides, Christmas with a special breakfast or dinner, 4th of July with BBQ, Halloween with candy, and birthdays with cake, to name a few.
I have a complicated relationship with food. Meaning my tongue likes lots of things my stomach does not. Spicy food, coffee, nuts, certain veggies, dairy, alcohol (sometimes I’ll have one anyway - see below), and there is a rebellion. I’ve learned the hard way through plenty of trial and error that I need to have something insoluble before I have that salad. A piece of bread please. And dessert? Yes, please. As far as I’m concerned it is, for sure, a part of the current “eat across the rainbow” program. Well I’ve got to have that right after eating - no lallygagging for me. If I do wait too long then I’ve got a fair amount of discomfort ahead.
I wish things were different but they’re not. Limiting my options has led to a better, more enjoyable eating experience. I stick to what works and occasionally venture off the path because I really want some frozen yogurt. Or the lemon ravioli at Piatti. I’m big on oatmeal with blueberries, legumes, rice, spinach and homemade smoothies. I tend to have things over and over again, just ask any of my friends or family. I go through “phases.” There was the bean bowl phase, the tuna melt phase, the cowboy burger phase, the salad phase. Eventually I get tired of a phase and then I find a new one. I think part of this practice is that these foods work for my stomach and more importantly, at least for me, my tongue likes them and I look forward to them each and every time. Go figure. I’ll keep doing what works. I get to be me.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
— Virginia Wolf