Something Different can be Something Good - episode 81

Ben Hur Delfino is our guest today. Yes, I said Ben Hur.  You’ll get to hear that story for sure.  And he has one of the BEST laughs I have ever heard.  In our Zoom call we froze on each other a few times but kept at it.  Also I didn’t notice how far away my mic was initially so you will likely hear more echo from me in the beginning.  Ben is next up for the Mahalo Maui series.  And thanks for your patience in any technical pauses.  Enjoy Ben as much as I did.

He did the thing.  Ben took the gentle-arm twisting I supplied, and took the risk of doing something new by being on the podcast.  And he doesn’t regret it!  Ben shared great insight through snapshots from his life.  Don’t mind my tongue-tripping toward the end.  Yada, yada, yada.  And by the way, the movie Ben Hur was from 1959.

*Transcript of conversation available in episode notes.

Faithful. Creative. Open-minded.

— Ben Hur Delfino


Thoughts from Something Different can be Something Good

I did enjoy our adventure shopping at Tiffany while we were cruising around the Shops at Wailea. Funny how things end up on your Bucket List. This really was the influence of a good friend who gets great joy from her occasional special purchases from there. It got me to wondering why Tiffany? How did it get to be an “it” brand? Here’s what I found:

  • Tiffany was founded in 1837 by Charles Lewis Tiffany and headquartered in NYC. He redesigned the engagement ring in 1886 to maximize the brilliance of each diamond.

  • The unique blue color synonymous with Tiffany was inspired by an empress and is now called Pantone 1837 (the year it began).

  • It was America’s first mail order catalog.

  • President Lincoln gave his wife, Mary Todd, a Tiffany set of pearls she wore to his inauguration. President Kennedy commissioned a broach to be made for his wife, Jackie. President Obama gifted Queen Elizabeth a vintage compact.

  • Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) was filmed inside the store on a Sunday when it was usually closed. Forty extra guards made sure the jewels were safe.

  • One Tiffany motto was, Beautiful design makes a beautiful life. Currently they are running the About Love campaign featuring a video with JayZ and Beyonce wearing various Tiffany pieces.

Tiffany is considered on the same playing field with many high-end European brands. While I didn’t know most of what I found out the process itself was interesting. And who can say for sure why one thing becomes more popular, has staying-power over another? That part is a bit of a mystery and I think we’ll need to leave it that way and simply enjoy the beauty for what it is. Beautiful. Tiffany Blue beautiful.

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

— Tiffany and Co


Seventeen with a Passion - episode 82


Our Job is to Stay Planted - episode 80