Awaken All the Parts of You - episode 209
When you realize what a butterfly goes through to become, you have an idea that beautiful things can develop from struggle, from breaking free. Such is the case with Estelle Polevoy who used to wake up feeling anxious. She realized the life she was living was not the life she wanted, so she set about to heal by visiting her inner child and doing the necessary work of transformation. If you get to the root that is where the power starts. From there it’s ok to say no to that which isn’t beneficial, and yes to discovering all of who you are. Women are fierce, they have hidden potential just waiting to be realized.
Passionate. Enthusiastic. Old Soul.
— Estelle Polevoy
5 Before You Go
Thoughts from Awaken All the Parts of You
Why leave anything undiscovered? Estelle learned the necessity of awakening all the parts of herself and she wants the same for you. Do you really want to arrive at the end and wonder what could have been? What else you could have done? Let’s come up with a list of more specific questions and see how we do.
Did you love? Were you loved?
As you can see this is a two-way thing. One is about giving and one is about receiving. Sometimes they are related and sometimes they’re not. And sometimes it’s easier for us to give than it is to receive. When I think of myself I am likely motivated a bit more by my emotions than I’d like. Something to note and remember is that love is a choice in each moment, often inconvenient and sacrificial. When it is, it’s also deeply fulfilling and other-centered. Receiving? I could probably be more open to basking in the love of other instead of obfuscating the intention, deflecting or telling myself I’m not worth the effort. (Remember we are already good enough.)
Did you enjoy what you could?
This is a good one. I know there were many moments I enjoyed but in reflecting, I think there were many more if I had been more present. A lot of times my mindset is one of just get this done so I can get on to the next thing. And in doing that thing it’s just get this done to get to the next thing. Yes it can make one very productive, crossing things off the never ending to-do list but it also robs of relishing the actual moment of a thing. That’s what I need to savor more.
Did you feel deeply?
Why choose to skate through life avoiding the depths of despair? Because in the depths of despair is the polar opposite which is indescribable, remarkable joy. A baby being born, a beautiful song, a moving piece of art, an intense orgasm. These are all designed to bring us pleasure, to help us experience the natural high of this life. It’s all the sweeter if you’ve experienced the opposite. And yes, I believe I have felt deeply, sometimes it feels unbearable and then there is something that elevates me surely to what heaven must be like.
Did you have some adventures?
These are moments, choices really, when you stepped a wee bit outside your comfort zone and did the things that seemed scary. You mustered up some courage and realized whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Plus you undoubtedly had a thrill, that moment of bliss when fear meets reality and you survived in a moment of having conquered that fear with a courage you forgot you could have. As I’ve written about previously, as a recovering anxious person, I limited myself due to fear of panic attacks. Now I am choosing to embark on ventures I previously would have avoided. Taking the risk has paid off even if there is the unknown ahead. I don’t anticipate the what-ifs as much but meet them head-on when they do.
How do you want to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a woman of faith who did what she could, right where she was. She wanted to keep learning, to keep serving and to thrive. She had high expectations of others but that’s only because she expected even more of herself. If you were one of her people, you knew it for she loved you fiercely. While deep and serious, she had a playful, silly side and loved to make her loved ones laugh. There’s little that got past her heart. She could be strong in her convictions and sometimes it cost her. Knowing her limitations, she could be impatient where patience was needed, inflexible when adapting was a better choice. An empath to the end, she did the best she could. And when she knew better, she did better.
And there you have it. Five before you go. I hope you found it as insightful as I did. It’s a good thing to take a moment to inventory what’s behind, and more importantly, what’s ahead. You don’t know how long you have. Don’t get caught short of all there is in this life for you to explore and experience. Make the most of every minute, every moment. It’s a gift.
Five to ask yourself today, before tomorrow comes.