Doing This has Changed My Life - Episode 29
Amy, today’s guest, IS a positive person. She decides on a theme for each year. What a cool idea. The mantra she has selected for this year is Choosing to See the Good in Every Day. And she walks us through the three questions she uses for her daily gratitude journal. Wow! Truly life-changing in the way you can look at things. I am excited and will be starting mine tonight! Insightful and intentional, Amy is navigating the world’s challenging times by looking for, and finding, balance in her life. For her, joy is a choice and she finds it each day even if it takes some mining. Let’s all learn to do some more of that. Good stuff, Amy.
Patient. Positive. Creative.
- Amy
Self-Help vs. Self-Discovery
Thoughts from Doing This has Changed My Life
I recently read something that made a distinction between self-help and self-discovery. I have to admit I had never thought to compare and contrast them before. Were they different? How? I started reflecting on what the difference might be. The original reading I did suggested, yes indeed, they were very different. Then I came across this quote:
Self-help is pointless because your real self doesn’t need help and your perceived help cannot be helped. The magic is in getting beyond who you think you are and to access who you really are. - Amir Ghannad
So what’s this got to do with Unabashed You? Well, I like to think that through the listening and reading women do by engaging with this platform they are encouraged/reminded/inspired to be fully WHO THEY ALREADY ARE. I guess I consider that a kind of self-discovery.
I came across an insightful article that illustrates the self-discovery process here. I hope you find it helpful. (Excerpts below.)
Self-discovery might sound like a big, intimidating concept, but it’s really just a process of:
examining your life
figuring out what’s missing
taking steps toward fulfillment
Start by visualizing your ideal self
Explore your passions
Try new things
Evaluate your skills
Identify what you value about yourself
Ask yourself questions
Learn something new
Keep a journal
Talk to a therapist
The bottom line
*And of course I would add a spiritual (faith-filled) component but that part is up to you.
Happy trails on your road to discovering more of who you already are.
For Callie who never met a trail, or a person, she didn’t like.
See you at the rainbow bridge.