History Nerd w/Fortitude Loves Theater - Episode 28
Callie is intelligent, analytical, and as you’ll hear, very creative. She’s got both sides of the brain firing well it seems to me. By education and profession she is a theater creative, having performed, directed and written for the stage. She also teaches. She wanted to talk about “ambiguous loss” in this time of Covid. Even though many of us remain healthy we are going through stresses that have taken a toll on us. We don’t know how to solve this crisis or how long it will last. That is wearing us out. (And yet many of us have still have things to be grateful for.) We also talked about “qualifying language” and as women it is something for us to look at. Maybe this will help us become even more who we already are. I know it will for me.
— Callie
Get Under Water
Thoughts from History Nerd w/Fortitude Loves Theater
You know something? I continue to be fueled by the insights we have and how sharing them with others can make a difference. That is what this is all about. My conversation with Callie was no different. I learned (or was reminded) how therapeutic water is. Like one of her bosses shared with her, When you are stressed - get under water. When you are under water, whether it be a shower, the pool, lake, ocean or other, there really is something happening to us not just physically, although that part is great, but also emotionally, for some even spiritually. There is a calm, a peace, even an exhilaration taking place. It is soothing, invigorating and healing. So many good words to describe something that really is indescribable. And the texture! How do you characterize that?
Next. The temperature. Cold. It wakes you up with it’s briskness and you are charged with life. Warm. It’s relaxing, healthy and feels good. Hot. Muscle tension is relieved - you unwind and are likely ready for sleep. Not to mention water recreation! You can swim, surf, snorkel, do aerobics, just hang out, dive, wakeboard, standup paddle board, ski, boat and boogie board (lots of good laughs there for me). There is no end to what humans have created to enjoy one of God’s very best works. I have heard many surfers say the ocean is their church.
I am not surprised. Have you gotten under water lately? Have you needed to? Look at it as a moment to really be in the present, to enjoy, to relax, to luxuriate. We all need what is has to offer.
If there is magic on this planet it is contained in water.
— Loren Eiseley