Everybody is Good at Something - episode 228

What if you’re good at a lot of things?  Then not only do you have much to give, but we have much to receive.  Jessica Williams has the superpower of caring for others, teaching and planning.  Often they are all rolled up together in service to benefit those around her.  They know she’s there to listen, be a presence for them, and do what she can to help.  And apparently Jess can throw a themed party on a budget, one that has everyone marveling at her talents.  Jess is our Superpower Series guest this week.

Jess has been on the show before in How God Created Me.

I have a secret thing in my heart for Iron Man. He says things I want to say that I can’t say.

Jess Williams on one of her favorite superheroes

Very Good Indeed

Thoughts from Everybody is Good at Something

Yes, I agree that everybody is good at something. I am always a bit surprised when in talking to someone it is clear they don’t already know this or that they don’t think they are a very interesting person. For me this speaks to lacking a healthy dose of confidence and/or not understanding that everything God made, including you, is good. Remember that creation story? After creating God saw that it was good. On that last day (literal or not, it doesn’t matter) when he made humans he saw that it was very good.

Newsflash y’all: this means you too, not just the first people he made. So what are you doing with the life you’ve been given?

  • Do you know yourself? (A healthy knowing)

  • Do you know your passion? (The thing that brings you joy)

  • Have you made it your purpose? (Sharing it with others)

  • Can you identify your superpower? (Could be the same as your passion)

  • Have you learned to minimize fear so you can maximize confidence? (They are on one continuum)

  • How do you cultivate gratitude in your life? (An actual practice of being thankful)

  • Can you trace the hand of God even in the hardest of times? (He’s always there)

These are just a few questions that come to mind. They are the ones I think of when I identify my three areas of heightened interest, the ones I want to share with others, with you. It looks like this…

If you are looking to increase your capacity in any of these areas it would be my privilege to come alongside you. It would be what would work for you: structured, loose, conversational, task-oriented, homework and/or activities-based any or all of the above. Honestly the possibilities are endless and I’ve got the drive to meet you where you’re at and to encourage you forward. Plus I get to reinforce in my own life the things that make life far more worthwhile. I believe in sharing these messages with my little corner of the world. My joy is to inspire you to open all the gifts God has given you because you are very good indeed.


Make it Click for Someone - episode 229


Embrace Whatever is Coming - episode 227