Explore More of YOU: Myers Briggs - episode 126
We have re-recorded this episode, and the sound is much better!
Thanks for your patience.
Learning more about myself, or becoming who I already am, has given me increased understanding, compassion and confidence. I am more patient with myself. I am way less apologetic and more prone to embrace the parts of me I like, and even the parts I don’t. It all makes me, me. I want to share and encourage you to do the same!
Explore More of You is the new series that starts today. We are going to look at some assessment tools to help us understand ourselves better. We may even discover some things we didn’t already know or some things we’ve long wondered about. We’re starting with Myers Briggs through the website 16 personalities. Hillary Henninger will be joining me for the series.
We know there are fellow executives and protagonists out there who can relate to each of our results along with the other types found through this tool. The idea is to get to know yourself better. It will help you, your relationships, and how you move through life. Isn’t that a good thing?
Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clear, your judgments sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire.
— Isabel Briggs Myers
Which One Are You?
Thoughts on Explore More of You: Myers Briggs
You can hear on the episode what Hillary and I thought about the findings. This is the first time I have ever tested as an extrovert. Although I answered the questions in the moment as I thought best, I definitely identify as an introvert. So I am more likely INFJ-A. This Adam Grant quote seals the deal for me:
Being an introvert is not about where you get your energy. It's how you handle stimulation.
Introverts are energized by people too. We’re just easily exhausted by loud parties, close talkers, and endless houseguests.
I'm not antisocial. I'm pro-quiet.
The Executive (Hillary) ESTJ-A and the Protagonist (me) ENFJ-A or am I an Advocate?
I think 16 Personalities did an exceptional job of giving information with the results of their assessment. They did it in a very witty and compelling way. I’ve actually gone back to the site because I was curious about the other personality types beyond Executive (Hillary) and Protagonist (me). Today’s blog will looking closer. Once you’ve taken the test you will land in one of these 4 categories and then a specific category as seen here. The artwork is creative and imaginative. The descriptions are illuminating.
So which one are you?
The Analysts: Architect, Logician, Commander and Debater
The Diplomats: Advocate, Mediator, Protagonist, Campaigner
The Explorers: Virtuoso, Adventurer, Entrepreneur, Entertainer
The Sentinels: Logistician, Defender, Executive, Consul
If you saw this blog in its original form it featured more of their artwork. After some research in the legal realm (it got a bit muddy, can you imagine?), it seems screenshooting their artwork with descriptions, may or may not have been legal. With what I found I could make a case for either side. Wanting to be honorable I emailed them. In hearing back they said no to the screenshots but yes to my own results.
Your life is a story and you are the protagonist. Everyone else is a side character.
— Unknown source
Famous Protagonists: Malala Yousafzai, Maya Angelou, Daenerys Targaryen (fictional, Game of Thrones) and Barak Obama (4 of the 16 shown)