I Can’t Help Myself - episode 218

Like it or not, summer is a time of blockbuster superhero movies.  I like to think we all have that one thing that is a superpower, that is ours. This is a strength, something you excel in.  Other people know it, and you know it too. Welcome to our Superpower Series.

With greater awareness comes greater decisions.  Jacinta Richmond shared that nugget in this episode and I think it’s true.  The more you know the more you can become.  And isn’t that what most every superhero realizes?  Be sure you can see that, and be that in yourself.  Jacinta is aware and able to see the possibilities, what could be whether it be in people, places or products.  She can’t help herself.  That’s her superpower - seeing potential.  Don’t wait until you’re older and you’re tired of being someone else.  Step into all that you are.  Fully.

Loyal. Visionary. Conundrum.

— Jacinta Richmond

My History with Superheroes

Thoughts from I Can’t Help Myself

As we begin this series it seems only fitting that I should share my own answers to the questions I will be asking the guests. First with a caveat. As Shaun will tell you, I am not a real big fan of this genre in general. The Adventures of Superman live-action TV show was before my time so I didn’t really know who he even was until he popped up in a rerun of I Love Lucy. That was funny. And I definitely watched Batman in the 60’s due to its very groovy vibe. I was confused though as to why three different actresses played Catwoman: Julie Newmar, Lee Merriweather and Eartha Kitt but that’s another story.

It seems reboots were starting to be a thing. I saw Superman with Christopher Reeve in 1978. Wow, I didn’t realize it was that long ago. It was spectacular and fun for its time. I remember enjoying it. Not sure I would have cast Margo Kidder only because I didn’t picture her as Lois Lane, and wasn’t their chemistry off? Somehow they didn’t ask me, so there you go. Next up we had Batman in 1989. Not sure why it took so long after the popularity of Superman. Michael Keaton got that gig and I think many of us were surprised. Not someone you would picture as the caped crusader. With Nicholson playing Joker, how could you go wrong? It was a hit. Another one I enjoyed. That unleashed many, many reboots of Batman with Michael Keaton reprising the role, then Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and even Ben Affleck taking their turns at playing Bruce Wayne. Let’s not forget Catwoman got her return too. She appeared in 1992’s Batman Returns as played by Michelle Pfeiffer. Of course a great acting job but I remember thinking it was a weird interpretation, likely as written and directed.

I went to most of them. They were mixed bags. Some fun, some excitement, good guys win, bad guys lose and the women are endlessly sexy. Then they started getting tired. At least for me. The last one I remember seeing was Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016. I seem to recall toward the end, 20 minutes worth of both characters pummeling each other through countless walls of countless buildings, and I realized I didn’t care anymore. Who even won? I don’t remember. They had overdone it, and I was over it. I don’t think I’ve seen a superhero movie since. I take that back. We were on Catalina Island and the group wanted to go to the Avalon Theater to see Antman with Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas. I made it through, barely.

I can totally relate to Jody Foster’s quote, “It’s a phase. It’s a phase that’s lasted a little too long for me…” Yes-indeed-y-do. So I missed Ironman (I know, everyone loves it), Thor, Aquaman, etc. Ok, I do recall I saw Black Panther because I like Chadwick Boseman and I wanted to be supportive of a non-white superhero. And I saw Wonder Woman because, well, she’s a woman, alluring in an under-stated way especially as played by Gal Gadot. (I never did care for the Wonder Woman TV show and didn’t watch it back in the day. No offense to Linda Carter - she’s great.) Google says: Wonder Woman is a compassionate, caring, stubborn, opinionated, highly competitive, outgoing, immortal Amazon. Wonder Woman is a warrior born. She tries to avoid conflict but if pressed she will engage in battle and on occasion lose herself in the pleasure of battle.

Yes, no big surprise I would choose Wonder Woman as my favorite superhero. And please know I gave it a lot of thought and research before making my final decision. She was my hunch and I’m sticking with her especially after googling. As far as what superpower would I want to have? Seems like I should choose one of hers. I think flying would be pretty cool and very useful at times. Soaring over traffic, getting to where you want/need to go, saving time would be helpful. Plus I imagine it would be downright fun to fly. I might even need to get someone out of a jam and flying would get me there quickly. Yeah, I’ll take that as my superhero superpower if I must. And next blog I’ll answer what my human superpower is. Any guesses?

Unabashed You is doing a series by asking guests about their superpower, their favorite superhero and why.

Females are fierce.

Just ask them.


I’m the Gray - episode 219


An Encouraging Trio of Questions & Quotes - episode 217