I Have Questions - Episode 6
I could not resist this image when thinking of my conversation with Jacquelyn. She is inquisitive, full of life and is transparent about her hopes and dreams. The deserted island comes up in the episode…
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important things is not to stop questioning.
— Albert Einstein
Smile. You’re Breathing.
Thoughts from I Have Questions
One of the things I love about Jacquelyn, and really anybody, is the desire to know another. She has that in spades. When someone makes you feel valued (like you are the only one in the room) because they are in the moment with you, listening to you, asking you questions about yourself, showing genuine interest, it is a moment of pure love. We long for that. As people. As women. Do that for someone else. Be that for someone else. You may be surprised at how fulfilling it is to bless another through simply being there.
As for wisdom - you heard her share what her dad said to her many times, Smile. You’re breathing. (I can just picture her dad saying it and I applaud the bluntness and truth of the message. Go John!) And while she did not like hearing it as a kid she now understands its value. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR. (I know I ended that sentence with a preposition but I don’t care.) Let’s collectively make an effort to be thankful even when we’d rather grumble. I’ll start with my own mini-list here. If you’d like to chime in then email us and we can do a Mail Bag episode full of thankful things.
to wake up each morning (We’re not guaranteed each day and we have no idea how this one will turn out)
any health my loved ones and I have (Despite minor/major ailments, afflictions, maybe even more serious health battles)
faith (It brings a third dimension to my life and informs everything I am, and do)
Gourmet Treats Chocolate, Chocolate-Chip cookies (I indulge after dinner with a cup of peppermint tea - SO satisfying)
Of course I could go on and on. Hopefully you could too. Get started and get your gratitude on!
And if you happen to know Brody Jenner, let’s see if we can connect him with Jacquelyn…
Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
— Aesop