I Like to See People Respond to Beauty - Episode 15

Jill. She is unabashed in spades. She loves fiercely and deeply, will go to bat for any underdog, and is one of the most well-read people I know. Jill loves to learn new things, and is ever inquisitive. YET she knows how to have fun, and to play. (I can attest!) Plus she embodies whimsy in all things. She shares her love of aesthetics with us in this episode plus some extra stuff that came up in our conversation. Enjoy!


Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

— Confucius


Love of beauty is taste.

The creation of beauty is art.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Starburst Chandelier

Thoughts from I Like to See People Respond to Beauty

Honestly I had to look up “starburst chandelier.” I could visual something vague but needed Google images to help me bring it into focus. And while the picture below is not technically starburst I gravitated to its light, sparkle, simplicity, elegance and beauty. Just like Jill.

For her, aesthetics are a driving force than can be seen all throughout her life. I like the inspiration this conversation left in me - our environment is a powerful way to relax, to bring us comfort and peace. We ARE affected by our surroundings. And it’s not about expense. Things can be done modestly. It just takes some creativity, a little imagination and some confidence. Decorate, dress, appreciate what pleases you. That is part of the message. We are made to appreciate beauty. Including our own.

Go sparkle. Be light.

When you possess light within, you see it externally.  — Anais Nin

When you possess light within, you see it externally. — Anais Nin


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