Women ARE Superheroes - Episode 16

To have healthy lives as women we arrive (willingly or begrudgingly) at the critical intersection of balance. How do I keep all the balls in the air without dropping them?  How do I avoid guilt and/or shame because of the responsibilities I have - wishing I was there when I am here and vice versa? How do I do justice to each role I’ve taken on - giving and being my best? How do I let go of what I couldn’t/wouldn’t do because of time, energy, etc.? In this episode Erin (shown below) shares with us how she became a Life Balance Coach. She is blown away by what women are capable of. I know I am too. Women. We kinda are superheroes, right?

*Reminder: we will be going over the Enneagram on next week’s episode. If you’d like to prepare in advance take the free online assessment at https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com as Erin recommends.*


Balance is not something you find. It’s something you create.

— Jana Kingsford


I can. I will. End of story.

— Wonder Woman

More Tools for Your Tool Belt

As mentioned above we are going to learn more about the Enneagram in next week’s episode with Erin. As a certified Life Coach she is now a certified Enneagram Coach too. She will walk us through this ancient model that has gained newfound popularity as of late. A great tool as she will explain.

As people, as women specifically for our purposes, it’s helpful to have many “tools” at our disposal to guide us through life in a healthy, constructive way. Here are some that work for me. Use the ones you like. Disregard the ones you don’t.

Quiet time/prayer - I’ll be the first to admit I don’t do this one as often or for as long as I’d like. (Some meditate, reflect.) I know it’s good for me but I tend to hurry through knowing full well that if I’d slow down and really take the time it would be of nothing but benefit to me. I still struggle with giving it the time it deserves. The time I deserve.

Uplifting words - These can be found in certain books (self-help & growth, the Bible, devotionals, etc.). Anything that speaks life into you is a tool well worth your time. For me it’s first thing in the morning, again at night, and sometimes woven throughout the day. Can be brief, but enough to re-center me if I’ve gone off track.

Know thyself - So many ways to figure this out: writing, reflection, certain books, assessments, therapy, coaching. Once you start to know who you are you develop confidence to be you and to move through the world fully you. You also understand your passions, strengths, challenges and triggers. You can even delve into the past to figure out the root of something and/or discover the need to forgive someone including yourself.

Writing - This can be journaling (learning more about you, sharing inner thoughts) or writing a letter to someone you don’t even need to send. Just to get it OUT. Very therapeutic. Or maybe you will decide to send it in an effort to be heard, and to heal.

Tell time - Know when a relationship has run it’s course and is no longer healthy for you. There is nothing wrong with letting go. Sometimes this is the most loving thing you can do. For them and most especially for you. Boundaries are A-OK and often needed. No is a complete sentence. And have this one at the ready: That doesn’t work for me with no need to explain. (Thanks, Oprah.)

Goals, lists - How about making some goals? Short-term, long term? Is there a way to get closer to that goal today? Even if it’s a baby step - research, reaching out to someone else who knows about it. Will you regret not trying? And I love lists! It’s the way I know I’m not forgetting something and can get all those lower-responsibility items out of the way.

Nurture relationships - Spend time with those you love. Listen, ask questions, share who you are. Be playful. Have deep discussions. Dream.

Dream - What do you love? If nothing was in your way (time, money, talent, opportunity), What would you do? What could you do? Now I’m not saying you can make each one a reality but why not give it a whirl? Or at least a modified version of the dream. You will be fulfilled, challenged and your joy will be evident. How do you think this podcast and website got started?

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.— Dorothy Bernard

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

— Dorothy Bernard


Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe & Joey: Their Enneagram Numbers - Episode 17


I Like to See People Respond to Beauty - Episode 15