I’m a Very Good Listener - episode 220

We continue our Superpower Series

Turns out she’s a great listener.  People confide in her and she honors their confidence.  Karen Hacker also has the superpower of faith.  She could not have gone through losing seven family members in six years without God by her side.  And even before that she was no stranger to grief.  Karen and Rick’s infant son Matthew died a couple of days after he was born.  What do you do with all that pain?  Well, it turns out you turn it into a superpower and help others discover and expand the hope you have.  It’s Hope in the Darkness, the promise of Romans 8:28 which is the book Karen wrote about it all.

Trust in yourself, you are worthy.

— Karen Hacker’s advice to her 10-year old self

Seize Life

Thoughts from I am a Very Good Listener

After our recorded conversation, Karen shared with me a poem she wrote called, Today. As she described it, the words came pouring out of her almost faster than she could put them down. I was moved by these words and asked if I could share them with you all. She kindly said yes…


Today, I will remember your life, not your death, and hold on to the precious years, days, and moments we shared.

Today, I will give grace to those who may say inappropriate things, for they just don't know what to say.

Today, I will forgive my family and friends who haven't comforted me the way I need them to because they simply don't know how.

Today, I will not push away my emotions. I will identify and acknowledge my feelings and let them soak in, for I know that is how I will heal.

Today, I will reach out to a relative or friend, for surely they are hurting too, and perhaps we can strengthen one another.

Today, I will free myself from guilt because I know deep in my heart that if I could have done anything to save you, I would have.

Today, I will learn to live knowing there will forever be unexpected emotional triggers that remind me of you and may set me back.

Today, I will look for the gifts God provides—a timely song, a beautiful sunrise, a rainbow, a rose in full bloom, a hummingbird, or a butterfly—special gifts to remind me that God is with me and I'm not alone. 

Today, I will reach out to another who has had a similar loss since I have an understanding of how they feel and may be able to provide comfort.

Today, I will cling to my faith, for I know that when I am weak, He is strong and will carry me.

Today, I will remember to take care of myself and give myself permission to decline events I'm not ready to attend.

Today, I will honor your memory by doing something special for someone else because I know that would have made you proud.

Today, I will not compare myself to others and remember that everyone grieves differently and in their own unique way.

Today, I will choose to be happy, for I know you wouldn't want me to be sad and feel guilty for continuing to live.

Today, when I feel heartbroken, I will stop and remember that grief goes hand in hand with love. I grieve deeply because I had the privilege of loving you deeply.

Today, I will accept that I did not die when you did. I am alive. My life will go on, and I must choose to make that life meaningful and significant.

Today, I will accept that grief never ends. It changes, and I will become more comfortable with it as time goes on. Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith—it is the price of love.

Today, I choose to love and live.

Give these words to someone who needs to hear them. It may make a world of difference, you never know. Plus you will feel an expanse knowing you shared with them a heartfelt reason to seize life, and to live it to the fullest, to grow and to keep going. Yeah, that. Do that.

The “why” is because I can.

And because I get to.


Check in with People - episode 221


I’m the Gray - episode 219