It Comes Automatically - episode 223

Connector.  Jessica Stoeckeler likes to help people, to connect them because of needs or desires that others can help fill.  It automatically pops into her mind: you need to meet so-and-so, they need to meet you.  It comes naturally and that’s what makes Jess a generous person in my mind.  She’s our Superpower Series guest this week and her superpower is…you guessed it, connector.  And I’ll add one that I see, a can-do woman with an enduring entrepreneurial spirit.

Jessica has been on the podcast before in I Need Tough Love, and Do Something that is Hard.

You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.

— Jessica Stoeckeler, a current quote that is inspiring her

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Thoughts from It Comes Naturally

What do Amelia Earhart, Cleopatra and Robert Smith have in common? Well, in choosing three people to have over for dinner, they are who Jess chose. I got a kick out of how eclectic her list was. Amelia Earhart because she’s a strong woman plus she wants to find out what happened to her. I think we all do and I’m hoping someday we will. It was concluded that she and navigator Fred Noonan ran out of fuel in the Lockheed Electra they were flying somewhere over the Pacific Ocean eighty-seven years ago. In January of this year sonar imaging recorded an anomaly 16,ooo ft below the surface. It may be the plane but will require more investigation.

As for Cleopatra, Elizabeth Taylor portraying her comes to mind. I can’t say I remember much about her except for her affair with Mark Antony as played by Richard Burton in the Cleopatra movie. A teeny bit before my time but that’s what comes to mind. I’m sure there’s more to her. Okay, google says she married two of her brothers, was actually a Greek embracing Egyptian culture, had affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She killed several family members to solidify power and was said to be intelligent, charming and beautiful. That’s a pretty good trifecta.

Robert Smith is the lead singer of The Cure. I know next to nothing about him, couldn’t pick him out of a line-up nor could I hum any The Cure songs. Let’s see what google has to say. The band is known for its “innovative new-wave style of moody songs laced with gothic imagery.” In sampling the song Just Like Heaven, yes I know that one. Friday, I’m in Love and Lovesong, not so much. But Jess really likes them and I like that about her.

So who would I have over for dinner? Well I want to match Jess’s eclectic flavor. Let’s go with Maya Angelou, John (as in the gospel according to), and Diane Keaton. Maya Angelou because she’s wise, not to mention a fabulous expresser of words. (I think I’ve written about her before.) I keep some of her quotes very handy. When someone shows you who they are, believe them, the first time then Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better and I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. I want to hear that rich, measured, husky voice speak words. Lots of words.

There’s something about the way John writes that speaks to me (so let’s have him over too). I’m not sure I can describe it but it packs a lot of punch. (I may have written about this too, I can’t remember.) His writing is rhythmic, simple, yet powerful. And I think he’s cheeky when he describes his run to the tomb with Peter, and how he won the race. John refers to himself as the disciple who Jesus loved six times in his gospel. I had to laugh upon googling the actual number. Oh, the chutzpah, and how audacious. I like that about John. He sounds like my kind of guy.

Lastly Diane Keaton. I was recently at a dinner party where we were asked who our favorite actress is (then actor). I’m not sure I’ve thought about it in those terms but I like group questions for fun conversations so I’m game. As others were answering I ran through a few names. I had to think of movie titles then who is in the movie. I started with a few favorites Something’s Got to Give and the Christmas movie The Family Stone and I knew what my answer would be. Favorite? Not sure I have one but for purposes of an answer I’ve got it. Diane Keaton is funny (that’s a given), quirky (ok, neurotic), and plays feelings in an authentic way that speaks to me. She’s got the range: Annie Hall to Reds and lots in between and has a fashion sense that is unrivaled in its uniqueness. She’s herself. And that’s a good thing.

For dinner I will serve something simple so I’m not spending my time in the kitchen. Maybe I’ll have it catered. Since this is a fantasy to begin with, why not? The focus will be on conversation, what we have in common, and what makes us unique. We will share thoughts on important topics and we will laugh as we tell stories that delight. Dessert will be served (always dessert) and we will express gratitude at having had such a time as this. We will say our goodbyes with promises to keep in touch until next time. Yes, next time. May we be so blessed.

Good food, company, and conversation make for sweet memories.

So does an occasional cosmo!


You are Sharing Their Load - episode 224


I Have ESP - episode 222