I Have ESP - episode 222

ESP.  When was the last time you heard about it?  Extra sensory perception, perception which refers to the ability to gain information without using the known human senses.  Kori Nau is this week’s guest in our Superpower Series.  She says some human beings are blessed with the God-given ability of ESP which includes telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, clear cognizance, and declared knowing. And Kori is on the ESP spectrum. As she shares, that’s her superpower.

Sensitive. Loving. Generous.

— Kori Nau

Dear Kevin

Thoughts from I Have ESP

While I will undoubtedly be missing whatever superhero movies this summer has to offer, I did decide to go see Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 last night. I’ve had a long relationship with Kevin Costner, one he knows nothing about. Haha. Starting way back in the 80’s I remember reading his scenes from The Big Chill were left on the cutting room floor but that director Lawrence Kasdan told him he’d be in his next project. Enter Silverado. From that point on I noticed I developed an appreciation for his work, and yes, a little crush.

As an avid moviegoer I was sure to include Costner’s movies into my rotation. I got in the habit of seeing any movies of interest the first night they opened. In a two-year period the following of his came out: The Untouchables, No Way Out, Bull Durham and Field of Dreams. I enjoyed every one. He showed he could carry a movie and then some. There was romance, humor, suspense, excitement and adventure. They were each unique. Ok, I wasn’t real thrilled with how No Way Out ended. He was the Russian spy? That was a hard pill to swallow. Oh well.

By the time Dances with Wolves came out, I was teaching the fifth grade. Let me share that I saw the movie three times in four days. I know. A bit much right? There were reasons. I went the first time on opening night with my good friend. The second time we were out of town for the day, and others wanted to see it. The third time friends were in town, and they wanted to see it. So I basically volunteered to keep seeing it. And I didn’t mind. I was more moved by Kicking Bird’s loyalty and Wind in his Hair’s proclamation to John that they are friends, each and every time. I would sob. I would cheer on and root for the underdog. This movie had everything a good movie should. It had a lot to say and it was said.

When it was nominated for so many Academy Awards, I used the nominations for a math lesson with my fifth-grade students. I think I had them all vote and then we talked about percentages and whatever other mathematical principle I could sneak in. It was fun. My students knew I liked the movie so much so that a parent brought me a Dances with Wolves poster that I kept for a long time.

The next many years are a bit of a blur. The movies he was in were a mixed bag. Robin Hood? Maybe skip the accent although I did overall enjoy it, especially Alan Rickman. Bodyguard? A little uneven, mostly entertaining, and one of the worst screen kisses (at the end) ever recorded. I appreciated JFK. Tin Cup was fun. I thought The Upside of Anger was unique. Waterworld? Not so much. Next one on the radar was The Hatfields and McCoys. Thought it was very entertaining. And then there were movies where he had a more supporting role: Molly’s Game, Hidden Figures. There were others but at this point I was not going to as many movies and not necessarily going on opening night. This had nothing to do with Costner, my life was busier than ever. There was Blockbuster (remember them?) and streaming was coming soon.

Let’s fast forward to his latest movie, Horizon, shall we? Why don’t I just write him quick note while we’re at it:

Dear Kevin,

Ok, I went to see your movie as I’ve been a long-time supporter (not fan, that sounds so juvenile) and according to the media, this project is personal for you. It is beautiful. The cinematography of the bucolic land was breathtaking. What are the trees with the golden leaves called? The music pairs well with the action and the characters all have been well cast. I want to reserve a fully formed opinion until I see chapter 2 in August. Right now we have a lot of story lines. Maybe too many? It’s hard to tell until they start coming together more. It was fun to see a couple of Yellowstone actors: Danny Huston and Will Patton alongside Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington and Luke Wilson (so fun to see him in something again!). Can’t wait to see if Jena Malone’s baby-daddy is who I think it is. The way the scenes from chapter 2 were positioned allowed us to see what was coming without having to give too much away. It all held my interest but I’ve got more questions than answers so I’m resting at Hmmmm until there’s more. We shall see and come August we will. Keep telling stories; you’re good at it.

~ Rechelle

P.S. In case you were wondering (and why would you, you don’t even know me), my husband is accepting of my long-time support of your career. He knows when he married me, my appreciation for you was part of the deal.

Movies have always helped me see who I am.

And, who I’m not.


It Comes Automatically - episode 223


Check in with People - episode 221