It’s a Beautiful Thing - episode 242
When you flip the tables and swap roles you have a new vantage point. From there you can see more clearly what you believe. Someone is asking you what you think, how you feel and you answer. Such was the experience I had in this conversation with Donna Cravotta. She is known for helping women stay visible with her campaign of The Real 50 Over 50 of which I am privileged to be a part of here. In this replay of the live-streamed conversation we talk about the importance of being authentic, of connecting, of collaborating, of being exactly who you are. It’s a beautiful thing.
This is me sharing gratitude during this US Thanksgiving week. I am thankful for each listener, each reader, each guest, each friend of the show. Unabashed You takes my experience, my passion and turns it into purpose. The purpose of having conversations that will inspire and encourage you to be more. More you.
Donna has been on the UY podcast before in Our Stories Cannot Remain Untold episode 191.
The practice of gratitude brings a depth to life that cannot be experienced without it.
Make it a part of your day.
It Looks Good on Everyone
Thoughts from It’s a Beautiful Thing
On a scale of 1-10, how you are you in your life right now? Are you showing up in full color? Or are you muted, lackluster and shrinking in? For me, I’d say I’m currently averaging out to an 8. I used to be far lower on the scale.
Or how about this? Are you the star of your own story? I’ve talked to people over the years who have said things like, “I don’t have a story” or “I’m not very interesting!” WRONG. Everyone is interesting. Really. No matter what your experiences there are various chapters throughout your life, and it all matters. You are not boring. You are already good enough, you just have to believe it.
I used to let people-pleasing win. I used to let comparisons stop me from trying. I used to be afraid to be me. Then I took the gem in my hand and turned it so I could see it from another perspective. As a woman of faith, I believe God made me. He bestowed upon me certain gifts, planned particular experiences for me to have, and he knew that I’d make certain choices. Through all of it he wanted me to drink in this experience of life, fully. I think that’s one of the biggest reasons I do this podcast and blog. I want to inspire and encourage as I want to be inspired and to be encouraged. You don’t want to get to the end and wish you’d been more, regretted less.
It can start with taking the time to discover who you are. Get to know yourself better. You can step into the strengths and commit to growing in the areas you want to. No pressure. And added bonus, we all benefit by you sharing who you are. Another good step? Being grateful. It takes practice. You can start small by saying “thank you” for all kinds of things. You’ll notice you feel good when you do and you will touch others with this simple kindness. You can work up listing things you are grateful for at the end of the day. There are all kinds of journals and prompts out there: 101 Gratitude Prompts, and the A-Z Thankful Post to google but a couple.
Those are two things you can start doing, right now, today. Get to know yourself better and practice being more thankful. Go ahead and blossom and be thankful that you can. The cost to stay tight in the bud is not worth it. And you will love the feeling of full-reach growth because to flourish looks good on you. It looks good on everyone.
Flourishing looks good on you.
It looks good on everyone.