Rest in the Unrest - Episode 19
For a young 30-something, Priscilla has many insightful thoughts and philosophies on things that are happening in the world today. She is a deep-thinker on many topics and has taken the time to wonder about various parts of life. She shares her views on waiting well and the benefits that can lead us to have stronger, deeper character having gone through adversity, while learning to love those we don’t agree with. May you be inspired to increase, or find hope, amongst all of this uncertainty.
— Priscilla
What Happened to Phileo?
Thoughts from Rest in the Unrest
We live in a polarized, left or right, right or wrong, time. There seems to be no shortage of emotion, especially anger thinly veiled in fear, along with plenty of finger-pointing. I have to wonder where is it getting us. I would venture to say, nowhere good. So why don’t we change tactics? Now, I definitely have my opinions, and strong ones, about various topics. That is ok. I was designed, made to have them, to gather information and form thoughts - even evaluate and determine something as valuable or not.
Here’s where it gets tricky. I want to know where kindness has gone. I want to know where common decency has gone. I want to know where thoughtfulness has gone. Oh, I do see it. Just not often enough. That has me deeply disappointed in us. So is it cultural? Experiential? Circumstantial?
Now I’m not describing those in my inner circle or even acquaintances, as they ARE in my inner circle because we share enough values to connect us. Do we agree on everything? Of course not. But we are bound by things we were taught along the way: look out for others, be kind and thoughtful, heck, even be helpful when you can. We have discussions and agree to disagree. But we move on. With respect. And love. Sometimes it’s convenient and sometimes it is not, but it is what we are called to do. To love others as we love ourselves.
Most of us seem to have the last part down pretty well. Too well, and sometimes not in a healthy way. It’s when your freedom to choose disregards me then how is that freedom at all? Freedom requires responsibility not just to self but to others. How and why did we get so far from that?
Again, I see goodness out there but it seems to be the exception and not the rule. Why? And how? I don’t really know. I have thoughts but they are just theories and they are far from complete.
Because these times are so contentious, I find myself quickly jumping to anger when I feel my rights (or those of my 81-year old mom whom I walk with each day) are being ignored, disregarded. I could go on and on. So could you. But here is my point. How do we get back to love of others? Back to phileo? (Brotherly/sisterly love). Like anything it starts with one step. One decision. One act. And it starts with you, and me. Let’s make that difference. Let’s be the best version of ourselves we can possibly be. People are watching. And waiting.
phileo - Greek: love, loving, friendly to, fondness for, strong tendency toward, affinity for, no hate, hatred, dislike or negative responses