She Loves Poetry - episode 95

Sasha Williams is today’s guest.  She’s a single mom to four kiddos.  By her own admission they are her reason for surviving and doing so quite well.  You see Sasha is a domestic violence survivor and she is quite proud of having made it through victorious.

Expressing herself through the experiences she’s had, the emotions she feels and her thoughts about the world, Sasha creates poetry.  It was something in her from an early age and now she wants to inspire other women through the thing that comes naturally to her.  

Caring. Loving. Fun.

— Sasha Williams

One of Hers

Thoughts from She Loves Poetry

As promised in our conversation, I want to share one of Sasha’s poems for this week’s blog post, so here goes…

As you can see, the artwork is exquisite in its simplicity: classy, lovely and intriguing. As you can read, the words are raw, powerful and honest. Thank you, Sasha for sharing your pain and more importantly, your victory, with the rest of us through your words. Yes, they are, and will be, inspiring.


What Lights You Up? - episode 96


Learning to be in the Moment - episode 94