Takeaways and Looks Ahead - episode 91

We did an episode, #40 last year for New Year’s, aptly called Takeaways and Looks Ahead.  It featured 5 women.  This year we are asking 3 men. Mark, from Keep Your Dreams Alive episode 50, Ben, from You are not Alone episode 57 and Pat, from Be a Barnabus Today episode 51.

Their task?  To answer these two questions:

1. What is your takeaway from 2021?

2. What do you see for 2022?

The highlights: visualizing what comes next and taking steps to do it.  To pan out and see the bigger picture because you have no idea how all the times, both good and hard, will lead you to the next thing.  And no matter what, choose joy.  You’ve got to go through it all so you might as well look at the positive.  Happy New Year everybody.

I want to do what I started in 2021 and keep building on that - music and singing.

— Mark Sparrow

God has opened doors I didn’t think possible.  I am really excited.  Some dreams have come true. 

— Ben Greene

This past year was was confusing and complicated. Even so I will choose joy.

— Pat Maddox

My Own Thoughts

Thoughts from Takeaways and Looks Ahead

When I think of the year 2021 the word that comes to mind is acceptance. I have come to terms with the pandemic and the sad fact that it is still with us - damn those variants. I am choosing to do the healthy things, follow guidelines and use common sense. (I realize the afore-mentioned sentence has meaning that will vary wildly from person to person but there you have it - each one of us doing their best. As Pat said, it’s far better to focus on the things we have in common rather than the things we don’t agree on.)

When I think of the year 2022 the word I think of is hope. It is the very same word I chose from last year. For a reason, I choose hope. Hope is not a flimsy wish it is waiting for something you believe will happen, it just hasn’t happened yet.

To have faith is to be sure of things we hope for, certain of things we cannot see. — Hebrews 11:1 (One of the first verses I memorized way back in junior high!)

So hope is tied up with faith. It makes a lot of sense they would be paired. And as Mark, Ben and Pat all expressed, either directly or indirectly, they have faith for the future. Hope in what lies ahead. They each will step into a new year carrying these virtues closely. I know I will do the same. That is where I will stay parked. In hope. And faith. Will you join me?

Hope is the last thing ever lost.

— Italian Proverb


Listen to Your Body - episode 92


Treat every day Like Christmas - episode 90