You’re Going to Find Yourself There Again - episode 239
Half of all marriages end in divorce the statistic says, and so, many of us came from a broken home. There is no way you get through that experience unscathed. This week’s Grief and Gratitude guest, Carisa Santana* knows the sorrow of the family breaking up. Holes are left and as a kid you don’t understand. Carisa responded by being angry. Her anger eventually grew into depression which became debilitating. She learned you have to feel. You can’t deny it, run away or try to hurry it. If you shortchange the process of healing you are going to find yourself there again. Instead let yourself feel it, take care of your body, your mind and your soul. And then you can be grateful for where you are - like Carisa.
*Carisa has been on the show before in Music has Always Been in My Life.
You can find her on Instagram at Carisa Santana Music.
Embrace the good moments happening, life gets harder.
— Carisa Santana, advice to her 10-year old self
It’s Who We Are
Thoughts from You’re Going to Find Yourself There Again
Why do I ask second-time guests different questions than first-time guests? I hope that’s obvious. Even though I think the answers might be completely different, I want to keep things fresh for the returning guests. I contend that I could have the same person on countless times because the conversation is going to be different each time, and that is some of the beauty of doing this.
In case you were wondering (doubtful, but still) here are the slew of questions I tend to ask. I thought it would be a good exercise to answer these myself and to invite you to do the same. And if you do, I’d enjoy hearing about it!
First-time guests are asked
Anything you want listeners to know about you to start?
I love to encourage people anytime, anywhere, anyhow
3 words to describe yourself
Creative. Sensitive. Intrigued. (That’s today. Tomorrow could be another story.)
Two truths and a lie
1. Worked undercover as a subcontractor for the Dept. of Justice
2. Was a buyer for Junior World at Macy’s
3. Made toast 6 hours a day 6 days a week one summer
(Numbers 1 and 3 are true; number 2 is false)
One of your favorite movies of all time
Something’s Got to Give (Give me relationships, comedy, drama and some neurosis)
Name a person that inspires you
Maya Angelou (Words. Meaning. Depth.)
A piece of wisdom you keep handy
You’re the only one that can be you
Second-time guests are asked
A current show you're watching
Rewatching Designing Women; just finished The Resident
Biggest crush growing up
In the 6th grade, Donny Osmond (I even prayed I would grow up to marry him)
What is the thing you are most afraid of?
Sharks (thank you Steven Spielberg)
Random fact most people wouldn’t know about you
I have one full brother, one half sister that I found out about when I was 21, and one half-brother that is younger than my son
The advice you would give your 10-year old self?
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time (cue James Taylor)
Third-time guests are asked:
If you could try out any job for a day, what would it be?
Host of my own TV show (sure, why not)
The best trip you’ve ever been on.
That’s a tough one! Anytime on Maui, family trip to NY & Oahu, traveling with Julie & Kit, Trent & Lisa, exploring Europe with Ron, Marin with Shaun
You can have 3 people over for dinner (living or dead). Who are they?
Diane Keaton (laughs, neurosis, style), Maya Angelou (aforementioned), John (of the gospel according to, love how he writes)
What is one thing you are proud of?
I am proud of our kids, the people they have become
What’s at the top of your bucket list?
More travel and exploration (finding Gizmo his person)
A quote that is inspiring you these days.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
For those who have been on more than three times (there are a few), more questions. You get the idea. There is no end to the questions and no end to the conversations that can be had. So reach out and ask someone some or all of these questions and see where it takes you. I think you will be glad you did. In this age of digital information, emailing and texting, taking the time to communicate with someone directly and learning more about them seems like time well spent. Connection. It’s who we are.
Questions can enhance our connection.
Take the time to know and to be known.
The six of us in Ireland.