A Hippy at Heart - Episode 12
Michelle wonders if she was born too late. Woodstock, with its environment of peace, love, music and unity, really appeal to her. They drive the free-spirit part of her personality - the essence of all of us being the same, as brothers and sisters, unified but in our diversity. To be seen and heard with no judgment is an important value that she lives by.
Take a listen as she shares with us more about herself along with the difference between purpose and calling and how she has discovered her own. (I was VERY inspired by this exercise and can’t wait to do it for myself!)
Why Am I Here?
Thoughts from A Hippy at Heart
I learned SO MUCH from what Michelle shared with us. It gave me a lot to ponder. And I am. Pondering.
As she shared, the purpose of humankind living on this earth for every human being:
To know, and to be known
To love, and to be loved
To bless, and to be blessed
Notice that each one of these is inward, and outward. It is reciprocal and requires relationship. You give. You receive. These things do not happen in a vacuum or in a solitary manner. I like the simplicity of the statements and the truth behind them. We need each other.
Why AM I here? Contemplating the difference between purpose and calling was eye-opening for me. I had never heard it put that way before. As she explained it, these are two distinct things and they require reciprocity to be effective. Purpose is that unique thing you offer to others. You, giving. Calling is what others receive from you (when you are living your purpose). Others, receiving. Michelle was challenged to distill each into two words. For her:
Purpose: Meaningful Connections
Calling: Igniting Transformation
Now I am tasked (in a good way) to explore and land on my purpose and calling. I challenge you to do the same. And if you’re game let’s compare notes. I’ll bet we learn even more about ourselves AND each other.