Birth of a Friendship - episode 43

Why is it every single time I have one of these privileged conversations I am deeply moved?  Is it the topic and the way it was discussed?  Was it the people talking, being themselves?  Well, I’d have to say both.  Today we hear from two women: Cassie and Elizabeth about friendship - it’s importance, how they maintain it, how they chose to start a business together.  They share how they are navigating it to keep the friendship solid, the priority even, while growing the business.  Some impressive stuff here.

Communication.  Expectations.  Boundaries.  Understanding and speaking the truth in love.  These are some of my takeaways from this episode with Cassie and Elizabeth.  They celebrate their friendship in very real, intentional ways from sacred Friday time to the commitment to put the relationship first.  Ahead of the business.  And yet building this business has allowed them ways to be creative, connect with others, and feel a deep sense of enjoyment while fulfilling their dreams.  I hope we can all say that.  And if you can’t, time to get started!


Loyal. Creative. Hard-working.


Organized. Loyal. Creative.


Algorithms - HUH?

Thoughts from Birth of a Friendship

In running a company together, Cassie and Elizabeth have a website and an Instagram account That means they are likely acquainted with the need to engage with potential clients who might be interested in their work. This will involve being aware of the impact they have on the internet.

I probably heard this word, algorithms, every now and then and eventually got a sense of what it meant. Kind of. But did it matter to my world? Not really. Then it got talked about more and more in relationship to the things that happen on the internet: websites, podcasts, social media, etc. Now it was sounding more important as it was seeping, or rather permeating the realm into which I have dipped my toes, and now my whole heart. You got it. This website. The podcast. Sharing UY on social media. There is no getting around how critical it has become. So I guess I better learn more about it.

The definition of algorithms is a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. (Remember, word nerd). So after spending an entire afternoon googling, researching, trying to skim the endless surface of what one can learn about the effect following these “rules” will have, what did I learn? Well, I learned that there is probably more to it than I have the desire to sink my teeth into.

If I play by them, and follow them closely, Unabashed You could probably increase its presence on social media. I have some mixed feelings about this. First, there is an opportunity cost involved. How much time do I want to spend on this? In truth a minimal amount. Next, do I want to play this game? There is a sense of real manipulation here that doesn’t thrill me. No longer can this be organically done. Ugh. Last, what is my goal? Well, I want UY to inspire and to have impact on the women (and men) who choose to listen. So how many people are listening because of social media?


Unabashed You launched on April 29, 2020. This screenshot is from then and the rest of 2020. Most visits are direct. As you can see there is a considerable amount from social media with 48% coming from Facebook (886), Instagram (30), with Google (40) and Others (42) making up the rest. (What on earth is “Others?”)

I must admit I spent a portion of the afternoon, after my research, feeling discouraged and defeated. How could I ever keep up this one-person operation by adding a bigger chunk of my time/interest to social media? Remember my passion is the content, the conversations, the creativity involved in crafting each episode for your enjoyment and illumination. That is where I want the bulk of my time to go. I will continue to do what I’ve been doing, maybe kicking it up a notch by picking the brains of some social media savvy women. (You know who you are.) I will glean a tip or two and that’s how it will roll.

Algorithms? I will try to understand you better, learn more as you assist me in my reach. But don’t think I’m gonna kowtow to you or make you my number one priority. It ain’t gonna happen.

In a world of algorithms, hashtags and followers, know the true importance of human connection.  -Simi Froman

In a world of algorithms, hashtags and followers, know the true importance of human connection. -Simi Froman

Now that’s what I’m interested in! (Snap.)


Bullied. Survived. Now I THRIVE - episode 44


The Cost of Being Right - episode 42