A Christmas Treat - Episode 39
Shaun came by for a visit and we chatted about traditions and our favorite parts of Christmas. Amusing anecdotes and reminiscing about the past including a memorable time when we had a surprise Christmas trip. We covered the holiday movies we like and why. Also music. Movies and songs we could do without. All led to some great laughs. Enjoy!
Shaun reminded us to remember the best part - the spirit of Christmas. Yes. And as a woman of faith, the celebration of Christ’s birth.
Three words for 2021:
Shaun: Healing,
Rechelle: Impact. Diligence. Patience.
Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas
Thoughts from A Christmas Treat
Thanks to Bobby for suggesting we choose three words to inform how we head into 2021 and the guidance they will provide. I’m not big on new year’s resolutions and maybe you aren’t either. Choose some words with intention? Now that’s more up my alley. Keep in mind Shaun and I chose them on the fly so there may need to be some more thought to see if these are the ones we will use. I am going to try this and see what I think. Maybe you’ll want to do the same.
Short and sweet, today. Want to get back to family that is coming in shifts AND social distancing. Strange but we made it work and hope for our usual celebration for next year.
As we finish out the year, a huge shout-out to those who are on the frontlines fighting this virus with tireless, relentless stamina. THANK YOU! Truly, where would we be without you. We mourn those who have succumbed to the virus. We ask for healing for those who have it or have experienced lasting effects. For those who have been diligent in following safety guidelines, we are grateful for you in remembering the other out of courtesy and consideration.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep on being unabashed. Keep on being YOU. (Remember everyone else is taken.)
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol