Explore More of YOU: the Enneagram - episode 128
Today we are looking at the assessment tool the Enneagram. It is a system that includes 9 different personality types. Through a series of questions, patterns emerge so you can see yourself more clearly, how you navigate the world, and how you feel about it. The one we like is https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com. It can be a useful tool to help you understand the why of who you are. What I like about theirs was it breaks down the nine types by percentages according to how you answered. We have all nine types within us, some are simply more dominant than others.
Finding out your predominant number, or numbers in some cases, leaves a blend of intrigue, affirmation, wondering, and “uh-oh” along with a thirst for further info. I get it. You find out about your strengths but also your weaknesses too. That’s where the “uh-oh” comes in. Don’t you want to be empowered when it comes to showing up in your own life? It takes information to do that well.
See past episode 17: ‘Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey’ to hear Erin Sur, Life and Enneagram Coach. To make it fun she used the cast of Friends to go through the numbers and added a few other notable people to make up the nine different personality types.
Hillary: Number 8, The Protective Challenger, mine: The Moral Perfectionist tying with Number 8, The Protective Challenger
The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box. It shows you the box you are already in, and how to get out of it.
— Ian Cron, author, therapist, Enneagram teacher
I’m in Good Company
Thoughts from Explore More of You: the Enneagram
As I’ve shared, my findings showed a tie between The Moral Perfectionist and The Protective Challenger. I loved hearing about the protective challenger part, but as you can imagine I wasn’t thrilled about the moral perfectionist. Sure, I fit the descriptives pretty well. For me the word moral conjures up judging, being critical and self-righteous. I certainly don’t want to be that! The word perfectionist makes me think of a required excellence for others, and myself. Yikes! I don’t want to be that either. And yet, and yet.
Describing the Enneagram number one on the plus side
conscientious, well-organized, orderly
ethical, strong sense of right and wrong
try to maintain high-standards
advocates for change
wise, discerning
On the not-so-plus-side
must be “good” and “right” to be worthy
Looking at these I know I am reading about myself. I may take exception to being categorized with two words I don’t like but that doesn’t make it any less true. In researching, (is there another name for type one?) I found the words, improver and idealist. Ok, those words feel much better to me. I think they offer more hope and flexibility. Then I found in many Enneagram circles number one is referred to as The Reformer. Now I can get behind that description! I would like to think through the years I have adapted and settled into far more realistic expectations than I had early on. I know I will always have a bent toward it. And guess what? I’m ok with that. It makes me, me.
Enneagram One’s make up only 10% of the population. Amongst them, a long list of famous people on this page Enneagram Institute. I’m naming a few I was drawn to: Nelson Mandela (way cool, I’ve always admired him), Meryl Streep (the lady can act), Mary Poppins (I always liked her) and Jerry Seinfeld (never get tired of re-watching his show). I guess I’m in good company.
Enneagram Ones are people who walk into a room and quickly see what needs to be improved.
— Christina S. Wilcox