It Only Takes a Seed - episode 231

Becoming in 3: Part 1

I am really big on the ING of things: becoming, growing, fulfilling, etc.  It indicates the present and it says I’m not done yetI want to keep expanding into the fullness of who I am until my last breath.  I want that for you too.

Today we begin a 3-part series on becoming with an emphasis on the ING.  I think of it like this.  You are like a seed that wants to, that has the potential to, become a beautiful, seen and appreciated flower.  Yes, the colors vary, size, nuance.  There are so many possibilities and that is some of the very best life has to offer.  Like me, you likely don’t want to get to the end and wish you’d been more, done more.

Now I’m not talking about worldly metrics, I’m talking about doing what you could with what you have, being all you could be.  You would not want that seed to stay a seed or to even stay in a stunted growth state.  No, you would nurture it into being all that it can be.  I’ve always loved this quote

To achieve all that is possible, you must attempt the impossible,

To be all that you can be, you must dream of being more.

That is courtesy of John C. Maxwell.  It was written in a card someone gave me when I was really struggling with a crippling bout of anxiety.  This woman who was in a support group with me, wrote it to encourage me, to inspire me.  I’ve since forgotten her name but I have not forgotten how those words made me feel.  That was well over 30 years ago and I’ve kept those words close to my heart.

This is an invitation to join me for a 3-part series of becoming, heavy emphasis on the ING.  Remember you’re never done, at least not in this life.

The content is from a workshop I gave for Social Club Live with Isha Casagrande.

Oh, the possibilities in becoming.

This is extra sweet as she planted this flower as a seed and nurtured it to full bloom.

I Wanted To

Thoughts from BecomING in 3: Part 1

Oh the joy in possibilities! I just read this week’s newsletter from Isha of Social Club Live (mentioned above and a guest on this show twice) and thought, This is so good I want to make a blog out of it. So for only the second time in this blog’s history, I welcome a guest contributor, Isha Casagrande (great name, right?) as she shares what she’s about: fashion, food, fitness, faith and fun. Yes, Isha and I are friends, and no, she didn’t ask me to share her goodness. I wanted to.

FASHION - A Love Letter

I absolutely LOVE being a girl. There’s something magical about playing dress-up, swiping on lipstick, and embracing the beauty of feeling feminine. For me, fashion has never been about the clothes themselves. It’s about how they make me feel.

Let me be honest—there are days when I don’t feel great about the way I look. Not every outfit or reflection in the mirror feels like a win. But each day, I make a conscious choice to find at least one thing I like about myself. It’s a practice of self-love that I hold close.

I’ll never forget a moment I had in church, listening to my pastor joyfully explain that in heaven, we’ll all get new bodies. No more pain, no more scars—just a fresh, perfect form. But instead of feeling comforted, I felt a wave of panic wash over me. I thought, “Wait, I don’t want a new body. I want this body.”

This body has carried me through every chapter of my life. It’s the one that helped me build a business from the ground up, that carried me into the arms of the man I love, and the one that created my beautiful son. This body is my friend. She’s been through it all with me. I realized in that moment how deeply I love this vessel I’ve lived in and grown with, despite the changes and imperfections. I don’t want to be anyone else. I want to change the world as me.

Sure, I have my struggles—hello, menopause—but loving myself isn’t about perfection. I know my heart. I know my purpose. I know that I’d rather give than receive. And yes, I want to be light (and a little more “lite,” but hey, you can’t have everything!).

Fashion, to me, is the armor we put on every day to celebrate who we are. It’s not about the labels or the trends, but about the act of loving ourselves enough to show up with confidence. It’s a reflection of our individuality and a way we can decorate the world with our own unique style.

So let’s embrace that. Let’s adorn ourselves in pieces that make us feel alive, feminine, and unapologetically us. You are the most glamorous person in the world when you love yourself—and that’s what fashion is all about.

FOOD - A Celebration of Moments

For me, food is all about experiences. I would much rather share a meal – and a bottle of bubbly – with someone special than receive a gift. The memories we create around the table are what truly matter. There's something so decadent about a beautiful plate of food and a glass of sparkling wine in front of us. It doesn’t need to be fancy; it’s about breaking bread together, making eye contact, laughing, and giving the gift of our full attention. Those are the moments I treasure.

One of my most cherished food memories comes from a little bakery in Napa called Buttercream Bakery. It’s a charming place, painted in pink and white stripes, with the atmosphere of a vintage coffee shop/diner. But the true magic lies in their bakery – and more specifically, in their pink champagne cake.

I fell in love with this cake as a little girl. My mom would get it every year because it was everything I adored: girly, festive, and absolutely fabulous. Covered in hot pink chocolate shavings, adorned with little silver balls, and filled with the creamiest custard you can imagine, this cake has never left my memory. I can still taste it if I close my eyes.

Now, I don’t even like sweets, but this cake? This cake is something else. It's iconic to me. It represents all things youthful, joyful, and feminine, wrapped up in one beautiful, hot pink masterpiece. I always end up eating more than I intend to, savoring every sweet bite. Pair it with a glass of perfect bubbly, and you have my version of the ideal meal.

If you ever find yourself in Napa, you must stop by Buttercream Bakery. Trust me, it’s worth the visit. And if you live in Reno, do me a favor: buy the whole cake and bring me back whatever’s left. Just don’t be surprised if you have to fight for it at the counter – this cake has been so popular that the recipe hasn’t changed in over 50 years!

Food, to me, is about more than nourishment. It’s about sharing, loving, and making memories that last a lifetime.

FITNESS - Moving with Heart & Soul

When I think about fitness, it’s not just about the workout—it’s about me. Okay, maybe that sounds a little selfish, but honestly, in a way, it should be! Fitness is personal. It’s about finding what moves your body, your heart, and your soul. And, funny enough, I don’t even categorize myself as someone who loves to work out.

I remember the very first time I walked into a Jazzercise class. I was 19 years old, tagging along with my ex-mother-in-law and ex-husband. The three of us laughed, danced, and bonded over the early 5:45 a.m. classes. The music, the movement, and the community of women around me—I fell in love with it all. Sure, there were a few guys, but let’s be real, it was mostly us girls. I was mesmerized by the energy in the room and completely crushing on the women dancing next to me.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a dancer, but I was bigger and I often felt like I didn’t fit the mold. I still remember myself at 7 or 8 years old in my little pink tutu, dancing to my own rhythm, dreaming of being on stage or TV. Little did I know that Jazzercise would be the answer to that dream in so many ways.

At 23, I asked one of my instructors on a girl date. She loved Fleetwood Mac, and Stevie Nicks was coming to town. We spent that night under the stars, singing our hearts out. That friendship, sparked by a shared love for music and movement, has lasted more than 30 years. She’s still one of my favorite people in the world.

Fitness, to me, isn’t just about burning calories or getting a workout in. It’s about movement, connection, and love. Dance is a language. Friendship is a language. And the way we move our bodies, together or alone, is a language too. When I say “fitness,” I’m not just talking about exercise. I’m talking about the moments that fill your heart and soul, that connect you with yourself and the people around you.

Whether it’s through Jazzercise, a walk in nature, or a moment of stillness, fitness should bring joy. It’s about finding that thing that makes you feel alive and fulfilled, where movement meets meaning. That's what fitness means in my world of fashion, food, fitness, faith, and fun—it’s about so much more than just a workout. It’s about living fully in every beat of the music.

FAITH - A Connection to Love

I’ve always believed in God. My faith journey began in an unconventional way—on a hippie commune, of all places. My mom was a true flower child, a woman who handed out both bibles and flowers on the streets of Haight-Ashbury in the 1960s. She radiated love, inclusivity, and forgiveness, embodying everything she believed God was. Even though her time on this earth was far too short, she left an everlasting impression on me.

She raised me to believe that God wasn’t about judgment or hate, but about love. She would give away bibles to anyone who needed them, her way of sharing love with the world. My mom was the most forgiving person I have ever known, and I still pray every day to be more like her. I was born at home, on our dining room table—which I still have in my home—and grew up surrounded by her love and light. She taught me that faith wasn’t something rigid or exclusionary. It was about embracing everyone, just like she did.

These days, I spend almost every morning with God, sitting in quiet reflection with my journal during my morning devotional. That time is sacred to me. Every single morning, no matter what season it is, God sends me a sweet little kiss of sunshine. It shines directly into my eyes and reminds me that I am loved. It’s my moment of connection, of peace, of faith. That beam of light is like a daily love note from Him, and it makes me smile every time.

Faith, to me, is all about love. It’s about feeling connected to something bigger than yourself, something pure and beautiful. Whether you find it in nature, through meditation, or in service to others, faith is trusting that at its core, the world is good. Yes, we are going through messy and difficult times, but I have hope. That hope comes from my Creator, and it’s what keeps me rooted.

My mom was so much like Him—her love knew no bounds. Every day I pray to be more like both of them, to love without conditions and to trust in the goodness of the world. That’s what faith is to me—a belief that love and light will always prevail.

FUN - The Simple Joys in Life

To me, fun is beautifully simple. It’s not about grand gestures or extravagant plans—it’s about being with people I love, people who inspire me, and people who genuinely care about others. It’s about laughter, champagne, and shared moments that leave us smiling. Fun doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, I believe it’s in the simplicity that we find the most joy.

I love trying new things, exploring the world with curiosity, and feeling a little decadent, but always in the most simple ways. Give me a camping trip under the stars or a morning at Dawn Patrol at the Balloon Races, watching the sky fill with color. There’s something magical about sitting outside with the sun on my face, grass under my feet, just soaking in the moment.

I find fun in the everyday things—cooking together, sharing stories over a meal, playing music that moves the soul. Fun is giving compliments and watching someone’s face light up as you tell them how incredible they are. It’s those little exchanges that fill my heart. I love picnics, long walks, holding hands, and just enjoying the beauty in the people and moments around me.

Fun, for me, is about connection. It’s about creating space to love and be loved. It’s about taking in the simple pleasures and savoring them—whether that’s a bottle of bubbly with friends, a walk in nature, or a shared smile. Fun is life’s way of reminding us to slow down, appreciate what we have, and love deeply. That’s my idea of fun: pure, joyful, and full of heart.

Women don’t have to compete. Where there is love there is only union.

Isha, my bosom buddy (We originally met at a breast care center as we both had irregular mammograms - we are both A-OK today.)


Be the Advice You Give Your Kids - episode 232


What Comes After - episode 230